Associate of Arts in Teacher Education

The Teacher Education Program is designed to provide graduates the educational background needed to pursue careers in childcare centers, preschools, elementary, middle and secondary schools. Graduates of the Teacher Education Program will meet the licensing requirements for an administrator as specified by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Licensing rule. Candidates will be eligible to obtain a Prekindergarten Associate License from the Ohio Department of Education. Candidates will have the applicable educational background to transfer into baccalaureate programs in Early Childhood/P-5 Primary (PK-5), Middle Childhood (4-9), Adolescent to Young Adult (7-12), or Intervention Specialist (Special Education).

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
Knowledge Domains: (all General Education courses must be OTM approved courses - please consult an academic advisor regarding GER coursees)
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
MATH 2661Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 14
Natural Science Course with lab (1 other NS met in major)4
The Dynamic Earth
2 Arts and Humanities Courses6
Social Science Courses (met in major: PSYC 1560 and SOC 2601)
GER Electives any two additional courses from the above knowledge domains6
CMST 1545Communication Foundations3
Major Requirements
PSYC 1560General Psychology3
SOC 2601Social Problems3
EDFN 1501Introduction to Education3
CHFM 2633Early Childhood: Integrating Development and Education3
CHFM 2650Introduction to Assessment of Young Children3
CHFM 3750Families, Communities and Schools (Title change: Families, Communities, and Schools)3
CHFM 2670Wellness in Early Childhood Years3
or CHFM 3770 Wellness During the Early Childhood Years
GEOL 1504The Dynamic Earth3
ELIS 2601Development, Learning and the Arts3
ENGL 3703Literature for Young Children3
TERG 2605Reading Foundational Skills Across Content Areas Pre-K – 123
or TERG 3700 Phonological Awareness and Phonics
Total Semester Hours63-65
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
PSYC 1560 General Psychology 3
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
EDFN 1501 Introduction to Education 3
AH Gen Ed 3
 Semester Hours16-18
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
CHFM 2633 Early Childhood: Integrating Development and Education 3
CHFM 2650 Introduction to Assessment of Young Children 3
SOC 2601 Social Problems 3
Gen Ed Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 2
CHFM 3750 Families, Communities and Schools (Title change: Families, Communities, and Schools) 3
CHFM 3770 Wellness During the Early Childhood Years 3
GEOL 1504 The Dynamic Earth 3
MATH 2661 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 1 4
Gen Ed Elective 3
 Semester Hours16
ELIS 2601 Development, Learning and the Arts 3
ENGL 3703 Literature for Young Children 3
TERG 2605 Reading Foundational Skills Across Content Areas Pre-K – 12 (or TERG 3700) 3
NS Gen Ed + Lab 4
AH Gen Ed 3
 Semester Hours16
 Total Semester Hours63-65

May add General Education Requirements listed as possible summer courses to any of the four semesters

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the Teacher Education program, graduates will be able to:

  • Communication skills focusing on effective written and oral communications in an educational setting with parents, fellow educational professionals and community and business leaders
  • Knowledge needed to identify, assess, and assist with the education of a diverse student population
  • Working foundation of the historical, philosophical, theoretical, and legal issues of education
  • Practical professional skills to assist in the establishment and maintenance of an effective, productive, and safe educational setting
  • Personal ethical standards and professional practices used by successful education professionals