Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering, 4+ 1 Graduate Track


The Chemical Engineering Program at Youngstown State University--supplemented with courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and general engineering--provides a broad preparation for design, operation, and management in the chemical, biomedical, biological, nuclear, pharmaceutical, and energy-conversion industries, as well as graduate study leading to research positions in industry and government and to academic careers.

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
Gen Ed Math met in major
Natural Science (7 s.h.)
CHEM 1515General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1515LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
PHYS 2610General Physics 14
PHYS 2610LGeneral Physics Laboratory 11
Arts and Humanities (6 s.h. select one course)3
PHIL 2626Engineering Ethics3
Social Science (6 s.h. select one course)3
ECON 2610Principles 1: Microeconomics3
General Education Elective (9 s.h. select 2 courses)6
CMST 1545Communication Foundations3
Major Requirements
ECEN 1521Digital Circuits3
ECEN 1521LDigital Circuits Laboratory1
ECEN 2611Instrumentation and Computation Lab 11
ECEN 2612Instrumentation and Computation Lab 21
ECEN 2632Basic Circuit Theory 13
ECEN 2633Basic Circuit Theory 23
ECEN 3710Signals and Systems3
ECEN 3711Intermediate Laboratory 11
ECEN 3712Intermediate Laboratory 21
ECEN 3733Digital Circuit Design3
ECEN 3741Electromagnetic Fields 13
ECEN 3742Electromagnetic Fields 23
ECEN 3771Digital and Analog Circuits 13
ECEN 3772Digital and Analog Circuits 23
ECEN 4803Linear Control Systems3
ECEN 4803LLinear Control Systems Laboratory1
ECEN 4811Senior Laboratory1
ECEN 4844Electromagnetic Energy Conversion3
ENGR 1500Engineering Orientation1
ECEN 4899Senior Design Project3
ECEN 4899LSenior Design Project Lab1
ENGR 1550Engineering Concepts2
ENGR 1560Engineering Computing2
MECH 2620Statics and Dynamics3
ISEN 2610Engineering Statistics3
PHYS 3705Thermodynamics and Classical Statistical Dynamics3
CSIS 2610Programming and Problem-Solving3
CSIS 2610LProgramming and Problem-Solving Lab1
Dual Credit Requirements
Select 9 s.h. of 5800 or 6900 level or higher CSCI/ECEN electives below9
Special Topics
Advanced Signals and Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Computer Architecture with VHDL
Electric Power Systems
Fundamental of Antenna Design and Application
Power Electronics
Control Systems 1
Control Systems 2
Digital Systems: VHDL Design
Digital Systems: Computer Arithmetic
Mathematics Minor -one course counts toward Gen Ed
MATH 1571Calculus 14
MATH 1572Calculus 24
MATH 2673Calculus 34
MATH 3705Differential Equations3
MATH 3718Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics for Engineers3
Total Semester Hours126-128

Course List

Dual Credit Requirements

Accelerated 4+1 Program 

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering students can apply for admission into the accelerated 4+1 MSE in Chemical Engineering graduate program after completing 78 undergraduate semester hours with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. After being admitted to the accelerated 4+1 MSE program, students will be allowed a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework, specified as 5000 level or higher, to be double counted toward both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The courses chosen to count for both undergraduate and graduate coursework must be approved by the Graduate Program Director. An additional three hours of graduate coursework can be completed as an undergraduate and used exclusively for graduate credit. This allows the student to graduate with a master’s degree with one year of additional full-time study beyond the bachelor’s degree, as the total hours counted towards the Master's degree is greater than or equal to 30 hours. 

Courses Counting Towards Requirements

Select 3 of these courses, as only 3 can be double counted. Can select a 4th that would only count for the Master's degree.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
ENGR 1500 Engineering Orientation 1
ENGR 1550 Engineering Concepts 2
CHEM 1515 General Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 1515L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
MATH 1571 Calculus 1 4
GER AH-1 Arts and Humanities Elective 3
 Semester Hours18-20
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
ENGR 1560 Engineering Computing 2
GER GE-1 CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
CHEM 1516 General Chemistry 2 3
CHEM 1516L General Chemistry 2 Laboratory 1
MATH 1572 Calculus 2 4
 Semester Hours16
Year 2
CHEM 3719 Organic Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 3719L Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
CHEM 3719R Organic Chemistry Recitation 1 1
MATH 2673 Calculus 3 4
PHYS 2610 General Physics 1 4
CHEN 2683 Chemical Engineering Principles 1 3
CHEN 2650 Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering 2
 Semester Hours18
CHEM 3720 Organic Chemistry 2 3
CHEM 3720L Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory 1
CHEM 3720R Organic Chemistry Recitation 2 1
MATH 3705 Differential Equations 3
PHYS 2611 General Physics 2 4
CHEN 2684 Chemical Engineering Principles 2 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 3
CHEM 3739 Physical Chemistry 1 3
STAT 3743 Probability and Statistics 4
CHEN 3771 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 3
CHEN 5800A Special Topics Thermo Dynamics Lab 1
CHEN 3786 Transport Phenomena 1 4
 Semester Hours15
GER SS-1 Social Science Elective 3
GER GE-2 General Education Elective 3
CHEN 3787 Transport Phenomena 2/Unit Operations 1 3
CHEN 4880 Chemical Reactor Design 1 3
Regulatory Safety Course 3 2-3
CHEN 4880R Reactor Design Applications 1
CHEN 3785L Transport Phenomena Laboratory 1
 Semester Hours16-17
Year 4
GER AH-2 Arts and Humanities Elective: Ethics 1 3
CHEN 3787L Unit Operations Laboratory 1 1
CHEN 4815 Unit Operations 2 3
CHEN 4815R Unit Operations 2 Applications 1
CHEN 4887 Process and Plant Design 1 3
CHEN Elective-1 Chemical Engineering Elective 2 3
 Semester Hours14
GER SS-2 Social Science Elective 3
GER GE-3 General Education Elective 3
CHEN 4815L Unit Operations Laboratory 2 1
CHEN 4882 Process Dynamics 3
CHEN 4888 Process and Plant Design 2 3
CHEN Elective-2 Chemical Engineering Elective 2 3
 Semester Hours16
 Total Semester Hours128-131

Note: Transfer students from any two- or four-year academic program at other institutions or at this University who wish to pursue studies in chemical engineering should consult with the program coordinator for individual counseling to develop a program of study that fully uses their educational background and requires a minimum of time to satisfy the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in chemical engineering.

1. Ethics Elective3
Select one of the following:
Technology and Human Values
Introduction to Professional Ethics
Engineering Ethics
Business Ethics
2. Chemical Engineering Elective6
Select 2 courses from the following:
Can select 3 from this list, over the 5000 level, to double count towards Bachelor's and Master's, after acceptance into the MSE program. Can select a 4th that counts only towards Master's Degree.
STEM Internship
Energy Assessment
Measurements and Instrumentation
Chemical Engineering Projects
Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
Special Topics
Special Topics Green Engineering
Principles of Biomedical Engineering
Advanced Transport Phenomena
Industrial Pollution Control
Fundamentals of Polymer Science
Corrosion Engineering
Industrial Processes
Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
Other courses may be used at the discretion of the program coordinator
3. Regulatory Safety Course
Choose one of the following:
CHEM 4860Regulatory Aspects of Industrial Chemistry2
ENST 5810Environmental Safety3
ENST 5860Environmental Regulations3
Total Semester Hours17

Student Outcomes

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies