Master of Science in Data Science and Statistics

Program Director

Dr. G. Jay Kerns
620 Lincoln Building
(330) 941-3310

Program Description                    

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers the M.S. degree in Data Science and Statistics traditionally. Concentrations in this degree include:

  • data science,
  • statistics,
  • GIS, and
  • data analytics.

In this collaborative program, graduate faculty members have a broad range of research interests in data science, statistics, and applications to domain fields. The curriculum stresses theoretical as well as computational aspects and is flexible enough to key a student’s program to individual interests and abilities. 

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements are those specified as the minimum admission requirements of the College of Graduate Studies, which can be found at: . Students not satisfying all of these requirements may be admitted with provisional status subject to the approval of the graduate program director and the graduate dean.

Jozsi Z. Jalics, Ph.D., Professor
Computational neuroscience; mathematical biology; dynamical systems; partial differential equations

G. Jay Kerns, Ph.D., Professor
Signed measures; infinite divisibility; exchangeability in probability and statistics; applications of stochastic processes

Lucy Xiaojing Kerns, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Simultaneous confidence bands; minimum effective doses; benchmark dose methodology

Thomas L. Madsen, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Abstract algebra; group theory; representation theory

Nguyet Thi Nguyen, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Financial models; Monte Carlo simulation; actuarial science

Anita C. O'Mellan, Ph.D., Professor
Graph theory; combinatorics; early childhood mathematics education

Alicia Prieto Langarica, Ph.D., Professor
Mathematical biology; agent-based modeling

Thomas Smotzer, Ph.D., Professor
Real analysis; measure theory; operator theory

Jamal K. Tartir, Ph.D., Professor
Set-theoretic topology

Padraic ("Paddy") W. Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Multipoint Boundary Value Problems

Thomas P. Wakefield, Ph.D., Professor, Chair
Character theory; actuarial science

  • A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
  • The student must complete core degree requirements comprising the following courses or their equivalent:
    DATX 5801Data Management3
    DATX 6903Data Visualization3
    DATX 6905Predictive Modeling Algorithms3
    PHIL 6926Data Ethics3
    STAT 6940Advanced Data Analysis3
    Choose one of the following:3-8
    One year commitment to the YSU Data Mine (DATX 5895 and 6996)
    Data Analytics Project
    STEM Graduate Internships
    Electives (see list below)12
    Total Semester Hours30-35
  • Students are strongly encouraged to participate for one-year in the YSU Data Mine as their culminating experience.
  • At least 15 hours of the student's approved program must be at the 6900 level. In addition to completing the courses which make up the core, students must complete additional hours of elective courses to satisfy 30-semester hour requirement for the degree. Recommended course groupings are described below.
  • Before completing 12 semester hours, the student must submit the entire degree program for approval and evaluation by the Graduate Executive Committee. Subsequent revisions to this program must be approved by the Graduate Executive Committee. 
  • Students must participate in an exit interview during the semester in which they plan on graduating. The exit interview will be conducted with one or more members of the Graduate Executive Committee.


Students satisfy the elective requirement for the degree by choosing a courses from the following list.  Other courses may be selected subject to approval of the Graduate Executive Committee.

BIOL 5858Computational Bioinformatics3
BIOL 6900Advanced Bioinformatics3
CSCI 6950Advanced Database Design and Administration3
CSCI 6951Data Science and Machine Learning3
CSCI 6952Deep Learning3
CSCI 6970Biometrics3
CSCI 6971Cloud Computing and Big Data3
DATX 5800Quantitative Methods in Economic Analysis3
ECON 6976Econometrics3
GEOG 6901Introduction to Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 6902Introduction to Remote Sensing3
GEOG 6903Advanced Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 6904Advanced Remote Sensing3
ISEN 6902Digital Simulation3
ISEN 6935Decision Analysis for Engineering3
MPH 6904Biostatistics in Public Health3
MATH 5835Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory3
MATH 5845Operations Research3
MATH 6910Advanced Engineering Mathematics 13
MATH 6911Advanced Engineering Mathematics 23
STAT 5811SAS Programming for Data Analytics3
STAT 5814Statistical Data Mining3
STAT 5819Bayesian Statistics3
STAT 5840Statistical Computing3
STAT 5846Categorical Data Analysis3
STAT 5849Multivariate Statistical Analysis3
STAT 5857Statistical Consulting3
STAT 5895Special Topics in Statistics2-3
STAT 6904Actuarial Mathematics 13
STAT 6905Actuarial Mathematics 23
STAT 6910Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics3
STAT 6911Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics3
STAT 6912Advanced SAS Programming for Data Analytics3
STAT 6943Mathematical Statistics 13
STAT 6944Mathematical Statistics 23
STAT 6948Linear Models3
STAT 6949Design and Analysis of Experiments3
ECON 6915Health Care Analytics3

Students with particular interests or career goals are advised to choose their elective courses based upon the recommendations below.

Data Science

CSCI 6950Advanced Database Design and Administration3
CSCI 6951Data Science and Machine Learning3
CSCI 6952Deep Learning3
CSCI 6971Cloud Computing and Big Data3
MATH 5835Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory3


STAT 5811SAS Programming for Data Analytics3
STAT 5814Statistical Data Mining3
STAT 5819Bayesian Statistics3
STAT 5840Statistical Computing3
STAT 5846Categorical Data Analysis3
STAT 5849Multivariate Statistical Analysis3
STAT 5857Statistical Consulting3
STAT 5895Special Topics in Statistics2-3
STAT 6912Advanced SAS Programming for Data Analytics3
STAT 6943Mathematical Statistics 13
STAT 6944Mathematical Statistics 23
STAT 6948Linear Models3
STAT 6949Design and Analysis of Experiments3


GEOG 6901Introduction to Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 6902Introduction to Remote Sensing3
GEOG 6903Advanced Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 6904Advanced Remote Sensing3


CSCI 6970Biometrics3
BIOL 5858Computational Bioinformatics3
BIOL 6900Advanced Bioinformatics3
MATH 6910Advanced Engineering Mathematics 13
MATH 6911Advanced Engineering Mathematics 23

Business Analytics

DATX 5800Quantitative Methods in Economic Analysis3
ECON 6976Econometrics3
ISEN 6902Digital Simulation3
ISEN 6935Decision Analysis for Engineering3
MATH 5845Operations Research3

Accelerated MS Data Science

Undergraduate students can apply for admission into the accelerated program for the MS in Data Science and Statistics after completing 78 semester hours with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. After being admitted into the program, students can take a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework that can count toward both a bachelor's and master's degree. The courses chosen to count for both undergraduate and graduate coursework must be approved by the Graduate Executive Committee upon admission into the program. An additional three hours of graduate coursework can be completed as an undergraduate and used exclusively for graduate credit.

Learning Outcomes

Students will manipulate and prepare large data sets for analysis through common techniques to clean data and identify trends and outliers. 

Students will develop an ethical framework from which to critically examine the origins, uses, and implications of their work with data.

Students will learn to describe and apply the common techniques used in statistics and predictive modeling and choose an appropriate technique to model and to make predictions on a dataset.

Students will demonstrate that they can communicate data-driven results effectively, both orally and in writing, by completing a graduate project, internship or through participation in the YSU Data Mine.

DATX 5800    Quantitative Methods in Economic Analysis    3 s.h.

This course introduces to students the nuts and bolts of cleaning, manipulating, and crunching data in Python, and serves as adequate preparation to enable students to move on to other domain-specific courses that use Python as the learning tool.
Prereq.: STAT 2601 or STAT 2625 or STAT 3717 or STAT 3743 or ECON 3790, or ECON 3788 and ECON 3789, or ECON 3788 and BUS 3700, or permission of instructor.

DATX 5801    Data Management    3 s.h.

This course covers the basic concepts of database systems and emphasizes the real-world database applications relevant to the management of data in an organization environment. The topics include (not limited to) database environment, database development, relational database management systems, SQL/NoSQL data management language, data normalization, data warehousing, and internet database environment. Credit will not be given for both DATX 5801 and CSIS 3722.
Prereq.: Junior standing or higher and GPA of 2.5 or higher.

DATX 5803    Data Visualization    3 s.h.

Data visualization refers to the graphical representation of information revealed through data analysis. With the assistance of various visualization elements, we can present data in a clear and effective manner. More importantly, turning data into impactful images, we are able to gain valuable insights and intelligence that help improve our decision-making processes. This course introduces students to various types of visualization techniques like charts, tables, graphs, maps, infographics and dashboards. It emphasizes applying appropriate visualization techniques in uncovering information from data. Moreover, it will help students develop skills of data storytelling, i.e. effectively communicating actionable insights through the combination of data visualization and narratives.
Prereq.: Junior standing or higher and GPA of 2.5 or higher.

DATX 5805    Predictive Modeling Algorithms    3 s.h.

Predictive modeling (also referred to predictive analytics and machine learning) applies statistical techniques in analyzing data to predict outcomes. Through a hands-on approach, this course helps students develop basic skills in predictive analytics. Topics may include (not limited to) k-nearest neighbors, naïve-Bayes, linear and logistic regression models, time-series models, classification and regression trees, Principle Component/Factor Analysis, non-linear models, neural networks, random forests, and cluster analysis among others.
Prereq.: Junior standing or higher and GPA of 2.5 or higher.

DATX 5895    Selected Topics in Data Analytics    1-3 s.h.

The study of a topic in data analytics in depth or the development of a special area of data analytics. May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
Prereq.: Permission of the instructor.

DATX 5896    Data Analytics Project    3 s.h.

Individual research project culminating in a written report or paper utilizing predictive modeling techniques, visualization, and data management techniques. May be repeated with permission of instructor.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor.
Coreq.: DATX 5895.

DATX 5896C    CE Data Analytics Project    3 s.h.

Individual research project culminating in a written report or paper utilizing predictive modeling techniques, visualization, and data management techniques. May be repeated with permission of instructor.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor.
Coreq.: DATX 5895.

DATX 6903    Data Visualization    3 s.h.

This course introduces students to various types of visualization techniques such as charts, tables, graphs, maps, infographics and dashboards. It emphasizes applying appropriate visualization techniques in uncovering information from data. Moreover, it will help students effectively communicate actionable insights through the combination of data visualization and narratives. Credit will not be given for both DATX 5803 and DATX 6903.
Prereq.: Graduate Standing.

DATX 6905    Predictive Modeling Algorithms    3 s.h.

Predictive modeling (also referred to predictive analytics and machine learning) applies statistical techniques in analyzing data to predict outcomes. Through a hands-on approach, this course helps students develop basic skills in predictive analytics. Topics may include (not limited to) k-nearest neighbors, naïve-Bayes, linear and logistic regression models, time-series models, classification and regression trees, Principal Component/Factor Analysis, non-linear models, neural networks, random forests, and cluster analysis among others. Credit will not be given for both DATX 5805 and DATX 6905.
Prereq.: Graduate Standing.

DATX 6995    Selected Topics in Data Analytics    1-3 s.h.

The study of a topic in data analytics in depth or the development of a special area of data analytics. May be repeated with permission of the instructor.
Prereq.: Permission of the instructor.

DATX 6996    Data Analytics Project    1-3 s.h.

Individual or team research project culminating in a written report or paper utilizing predictive modeling techniques, visualization, and data management techniques, possibly through a partnership with a business, industry, or government partner. If working in partnership with YSU Data Mine, concurrent enrollment in DATX 5895 is required. May be repeated.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor.