Special Education: Intervention Specialist (IS K-12)/Integrated Social Studies (ISS 7-12)

 Candidates of the program are prepared for careers as intervention specialists (IS) and as an integrated social studies (ISS) teacher who provide academic content and enhanced social skills for all students including those who are with a disability, reinforcement-based behavioral interventions, inclusion strategies, and assistive technology to individuals with exceptionalities.  Each of our degree programs prepares candidates to successfully pass the Ohio licensure exam which will result in the corresponding Intervention Specialist and Adolescent/Young Adult Integrated Social Studies 7-12 licensure.

First Year Experience
YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
Gerneral Education Courses
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
MATH 2623Quantitative Reasoning3-5
or MATH 2623C Quantitative Reasoning with Co-Requisite Support
Arts and Humanities 2 Courses Met by HIST 1501 and 1511 in major
Natural Science (met with GEOG 1503 and 2630 & 2630L in major)
Social Science (Met with ECON 2610 in major)
PSYC 1560General Psychology3
Required GER Electives (9 s.h.)
CMST 1545Communication Foundations3
PSYC 3758Lifespan Development3
Final GER Elective met in the Major with HIST 1512
Subject Area Courses
HIST 1501Discovering American History3
HIST 1511World Civilization to 15003
HIST 1512World Civilization from 15003
HIST 3702Early America3
HIST 3703Nineteenth Century America3
HIST 3712United States in Crisis: 1900-19453
HIST 3748History of Ohio3
HIST 3764Modern Europe, 1715 to the Present3
HIST 3795The World since 19453
HIST 4870Senior Research Seminar3
ECON 2610Principles 1: Microeconomics3
ECON 2631Introductory Macroeconomics for Education Majors3
GEOG 1503Physical Geography3
GEOG 2640Human Geography3
GEOG 2630
and Weather Lab
POL 1560American Government3
ELIS 4803Modern Classroom Assessment3
SPED 4867Intervention and Remediation of Receptive/Expressive Language Dysfunction3
Professional Education Courses
EDFN 1501Introduction to Education3
TCED 2600Becoming an Education Professional1
TCED 2601Diversity and Equity in the Classroom1
EDFN 3708Education and Society3
PSYC 3709Psychology of Education3
EDFN 3710Educational Assessment3
SPED 2630Individuals with Exceptionalities in Society3
SPED 2630LIndividuals with Exceptionalities in Society Laboratory Experience0
TERG 3711Reading Application in Content Areas, Secondary Years3
Preclinical Courses
SED 3706Principles of Teaching Adolescents3
SED 4800SSocial Studies Methods for Adolescent and Young Adult Learners3
TCED 4800LLaboratory Experience for Teaching All Learners0
SPED 4858Educational Teaching Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities: Grades 6-124
SPED 4859Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Exceptionalities, 6-124
SPED 4860Transition, Collaboration & IEP Writing for Students w/Exceptionalities: 6-124
Student Teaching Courses
SED 4842Supervised Student Teaching: High School5
SED 4842AStudent Teaching Seminar for Secondary Education2
SPED 4849Supervised Student Teaching: Mild Moderate/Disabilities5
TCED 5888ESeminar edTPA Review1
Total Semester Hours125-129
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
MATH 2623
Quantitative Reasoning
or Quantitative Reasoning with Co-Requisite Support
EDFN 1501 Introduction to Education 3
HIST 1511 World Civilization to 1500 3
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
 Semester Hours16-20
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
TCED 2600 Becoming an Education Professional 1
TCED 2601 Diversity and Equity in the Classroom 1
SPED 2630 Individuals with Exceptionalities in Society 3
SPED 2630L Individuals with Exceptionalities in Society Laboratory Experience 0
HIST 1512 World Civilization from 1500 3
GEOG 2640 Human Geography 3
HIST 1500 Discovering World History 3
 Semester Hours17
Year 2
POL 1560 American Government 3
ECON 2610 Principles 1: Microeconomics 3
HIST 3702 Early America 3
PSYC 1560 General Psychology 3
GEOG 1503 Physical Geography 3
HIST 3748 History of Ohio 3
 Semester Hours18
ECON 2631 Introductory Macroeconomics for Education Majors 3
HIST 3703 Nineteenth Century America 3
PSYC 3758 Lifespan Development 3
SED 3706 Principles of Teaching Adolescents 3
GEOG 2630 Weather 3
GEOG 2630L Weather Lab 1
 Semester Hours16
Year 3
SED 4800S Social Studies Methods for Adolescent and Young Adult Learners 3
PSYC 3709 Psychology of Education 3
HIST 3712 United States in Crisis: 1900-1945 3
EDFN 3710 Educational Assessment 3
HIST 3764 Modern Europe, 1715 to the Present 3
 Semester Hours15
EDFN 3708 Education and Society 3
ELIS 4803 Modern Classroom Assessment 3
HIST 3795 The World since 1945 3
TERG 3711 Reading Application in Content Areas, Secondary Years 3
SPED 4867 Intervention and Remediation of Receptive/Expressive Language Dysfunction 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 4
SPED 4858 Educational Teaching Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities: Grades 6-12 4
TCED 4800L Laboratory Experience for Teaching All Learners 0
SPED 4859 Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Exceptionalities, 6-12 4
SPED 4860 Transition, Collaboration & IEP Writing for Students w/Exceptionalities: 6-12 4
HIST 4870 Senior Research Seminar 3
 Semester Hours15
SED 4842 Supervised Student Teaching: High School 5
SED 4842A Student Teaching Seminar for Secondary Education 2
SPED 4849 Supervised Student Teaching: Mild Moderate/Disabilities 5
TCED 5888E Seminar edTPA Review 1
 Semester Hours13
 Total Semester Hours125-129

 Candidates of the program are prepared for careers as intervention specialists (IS) and as an integrated social studies (ISS) teacher who provide academic content and enhanced social skills for all students including those who are with a disability, reinforcement-based behavioral interventions, inclusion strategies, and assistive technology to individuals with exceptionalities.  Each of our degree programs prepares candidates to successfully pass the Ohio licensure exam which will result in the corresponding Intervention Specialist and Adolescent/Young Adult Integrated Social Studies 7-12 licensure.