Forensic Science 4+1 MS Chemistry Track

A Bachelor of Science in Applied Science degree in Forensic Science requires a minimum of 120 semester hours. The program is designed to be rigorous and multi-disciplinary, and allows for fewer electives in lower level courses but an increased flexibility in upper-division coursework. Students must complete the following coursework within their first 3 semesters at YSU, and must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in order to remain in the FS program:

  • STEM 1520 or YSU 1500
  • ENGL 1550
  • CRJS 1500
  • FSCI 1510
  • CHEM 1515
  •  CHEM 1515L
  • Two MATH courses, if applicable (may include MATH 1510, MATH 1510C, MATH 1511, MATH 1511C, MATH 1513, MATH 1570, MATH 1571)

A minor is intended to contrast with or deepen a major or General Education. Forensic Science is an interdisciplinary major. Courses that are required for, and count toward, the Forensic Science major cannot be counted toward a minor.

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
MATH 1571Calculus 1 (required for major)4
or MATH 1570 Applied Calculus 1
Arts and Humanities (Select 2 courses)6
Natural Science (2 courses; 1 with lab) met with BIOL 2601 and 2602
BIOL 2601General Biology 1: Molecules and Cells (required for major)3
BIOL 2601LGeneral Biology I: Molecules and Cells Laboratory1
BIOL 2602General Biology 2: Organisms and Ecology (required for major)3
BIOL 2602LGeneral Biology: Organisms and Ecology Laboratory1
Social Sciences (2 courses below required for major)
CRJS 1500Introduction to Criminal Justice3
ANTH 1500Introduction to Anthropology (required for major)3
General Education Electives (9 s.h.)
CMST 1545Communication Foundations3
Any 2 Gen Ed Courses6
Core Requirements (64 s.h.)
CHEM 1515General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1515LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
CHEM 1516General Chemistry 23
CHEM 1516LGeneral Chemistry 2 Laboratory1
CHEM 3719Organic Chemistry 13
CHEM 3719LOrganic Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
CHEM 3720Organic Chemistry 23
CHEM 3720LOrganic Chemistry 2 Laboratory1
CHEM 2604Quantitative Analysis5
CHEM 2604LQuantitative Analysis Laboratory0
Additional Biology
BIOL 3721Genetics3
PHYS 1501
Fundamentals of Physics 1
and Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory 1
or PHYS 2610
General Physics 1
and General Physics Laboratory 1
PHYS 1502
Fundamentals of Physics 2
and Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory 2
STAT 3717Statistical Methods4
Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
FSCI 1510Survey of Forensic Science3
CRJS 2602Criminal Courts3
FSCI 3714Forensic Science: Crime Scene Investigation2
FSCI 3714LForensic Science CSI Lab1
FSCI 3716Forensic Science Evidence Analysis2
FSCI 3716LForensic Science Evidence Analysis Laboratory1
FSCI 3720Forensic Fire and Explosion Investigation3
FSCI 4852Trace Evidence3
or FSCI 4853 Forensic Firearms Examination
or FSCI 4854 Death Investigation
CRJS 4807Criminal Justice Internship6
or STEM 4890 STEM Internship
FSCI 5814Practice and Ethics in Forensic Science3
Concentrations (Pick One -Biology, Chemistry, Anthropology, or Flexible Option)16
CHEMISTRY (Select at least 16 s.h.) at least 9 hours must be at the 5800/6900 level for 4+1 (See below for full list)
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry 1
and Physical Chemistry 1 Laboratory
Physical Chemistry 2
and Physical Chemistry 2 Laboratory
Chemical Toxicology
Biochemistry 1
and Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry 2
Special Topics
Chemical Instrumentation
and Chemical Instrumentation Laboratory
Intermediate Organic Chemistry
Advanced Organic Laboratory
and Advanced Organic Laboratory
BIOLOGY (Select at least 16 s.h.)
and Microbiology Laboratory
Clinical Immunology
and Clinical Immunology Laboratory
Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy
and Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Cell Biology: Fine Structure
Human Physiology
and Human Physiology Laboratory
and Bioinformatics Laboratory
Selected Topics in Physiology
Biochemistry 1
and Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry 2
Problems in Biology
Molecular Genetics
and Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Gene Manipulation
ANTHROPOLOGY (Select at least 16 s.h.)
Human Osteology
Biological Anthropology
Archaeological Techniques
Fieldwork in Historical and Industrial Sites Archaeology
Forensic Anthropology 1
Forensic Anthropology 2
Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy
and Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Optional courses to meet 120 hours (16 hours). Students may take a flexible option of any 3700 or higher level courses to meet the degree requirements.
Special Topics in Forensic Sciences
Forensic Firearms Examination
Death Investigation
Organic Chemistry Recitation 1
Organic Chemistry Recitation 2
Drug Use and Abuse
Agents of Mass Casualty
Crisis Management in Public Health
Environmental Chemistry
and Environmental Chemistry Lab
Air Quality
Water Quality Analysis
and Water Quality Analysis Lab
Soil Quality and Analysis
Environmental Sampling Methods
Total Semester Hours120-122

There may be other courses that qualify for upper division electives, but you must discuss these options with an academic advisor and get pre-approval.

Dual Credit Requirements

Accelerated 4+1 Program 

Undergraduate Forensic Science students can apply for admission into the accelerated 4+1 MS in Chemistry graduate program after completing 78 undergraduate semester hours with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. After being admitted to the accelerated 4+1 MS program, students will be allowed a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework, specified as 5000 level or higher, to be double counted toward both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The courses chosen to count for both undergraduate and graduate coursework must be approved by the Graduate Program Director. An additional three hours of graduate coursework can be completed as an undergraduate and used exclusively for graduate credit. This allows the student to graduate with a master’s degree with one year of additional full-time study beyond the bachelor’s degree, as the total hours counted towards the Master's degree is greater than or equal to 30 hours. 

Courses Counting Towards Requirements

Select 3 of these courses, as only 3 can be double counted. Can select a 4th that would only count for the Master's degree.

CHEM 6911Advanced Analytical Chemistry 13
CHEM 6912Advanced Analytical Chemistry 23
CHEM 6921Advanced Biochemistry 13
CHEM 6941Advanced Organic Chemistry 13
CHEM 6991KSpecial Topics Organometallics1-3
CHEM 6991QSpecial Topics Quantum Chemistry1-3
CHEM 6980Introduction to Chemical Research3
CHEM 5804Chemical Instrumentation4
CHEM 5804LChemical Instrumentation Laboratory0
CHEM 5822Advanced Organic Laboratory4
CHEM 5822LAdvanced Organic Laboratory0
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
FSCI 1510 Survey of Forensic Science 3
CRJS 1500 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
CHEM 1515 General Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 1515L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
 Semester Hours14-16
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
CRJS 2602 Criminal Courts 3
ANTH 1500 Introduction to Anthropology 3
CHEM 1516 General Chemistry 2 3
CHEM 1516L General Chemistry 2 Laboratory 1
Gen Ed Elective 3
 Semester Hours16
Year 2
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
FSCI 3714 Forensic Science: Crime Scene Investigation 2
FSCI 3714L Forensic Science CSI Lab 1
MATH 1571 Calculus 1 4
CHEM 3719 Organic Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 3719L Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
 Semester Hours14
FSCI 3716 Forensic Science Evidence Analysis 2
FSCI 3716L Forensic Science Evidence Analysis Laboratory 1
FSCI 3720 Forensic Fire and Explosion Investigation 3
CHEM 3720 Organic Chemistry 2 3
CHEM 3720L Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory 1
Concentration Electives 4
 Semester Hours14
Year 3
BIOL 2601 General Biology 1: Molecules and Cells 3
BIOL 2601L General Biology I: Molecules and Cells Laboratory 1
FSCI 4850 Special Topics in Forensic Sciences 3
STAT 3717 Statistical Methods 4
Concentration Electives 5
 Semester Hours16
BIOL 2602 General Biology 2: Organisms and Ecology 3
BIOL 2602L General Biology: Organisms and Ecology Laboratory 1
CHEM 2604 Quantitative Analysis 5
CHEM 2604L Quantitative Analysis Laboratory 0
Arts and Humanities 3
Concentration Electives 4
 Semester Hours16
Year 4
CRJS 4807 Criminal Justice Internship 6
PHYS 1501 Fundamentals of Physics 1 4
PHYS 1501L Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory 1 1
Concentration Electives 3
Gen Ed Elective 3
 Semester Hours17
FSCI 5814 Practice and Ethics in Forensic Science 3
BIOL 3721 Genetics 3
PHYS 1502 Fundamentals of Physics 2 3
PHYS 1502L Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory 2 1
Arts & Humanities 3
 Semester Hours13
 Total Semester Hours120-122

Request a Graduation Evaluation after you have completed 80-85 s.h. from the STEM Advising/Deans Office, 2325 Moser Hall, 330-941-2512.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate knowledge on the influence of the CJ system at the subsystem levels (policing, courts, and corrections).
  2. Students can analyze scientific situations, and apply the scientific method within the CJ judicial system.
  3. Students can explain biology principles and how they relate to forensic science.
  4. Students can explain chemistry principles and how they relate to forensic science.
  5. Students can explain basic physics and math principles, and how they relate to forensic science.